Like most people, I too look upon, admire, drool over people
who have the guts to chuck their jobs and proclaim themselves “Entrepreneurs”.
The word in itself has so much of passion and power: As if haughtily stating “I`m
the boss of my own life”- As if you`ve been crowned the Ruler of an empire: You
create your own path and people would follow. What an unimaginable luxury!! (At
least you don`t have to threaten your boss saying you are preparing a suicidal
note if he has plans to cancel your leaves. Sigh...)
As attractive as it might seem, being an entrepreneur has
its own pros and cons. It`s a definite “No
No” for the faint hearted. The decision in itself requires a hell lot of
courage (to chuck your financial security) and chase your bigger dreams neglecting
the HUGE risk factor (mission failed factor :P).
What differentiates these conquerors from the rest?
They see their dreams and their passions above everything
else. They have this burning desire to see their dreams getting materialized. In
short they are just making their lives worth living, unlike the majority of us
who are totally content being mediocre. I love the quote below:
So I thought BIG.. I asked myself: Can I become an
entrepreneur: boss of my own life with minimal risk involved, very less time
invested, working in the freedom of my home, so that I can reap maximum profit,
eventually to chuck my job and to have the financial freedom to do whatever
I want to whenever I want to?
My li`l heart whispered back: May be...!!!
Annddd... Pooff!!! It all came true...
All it needed was an initial thought and here I am,
proclaiming myself a budding Entrepreneur. :D
Too good to be true...right? But... Would you say a NO had you been given a
You will be surprised to know how easy it is to do Affiliate
Marketing and earn income while working from the comfort of your home.
P.S: A li`l extra income never hurts..